Sunday, March 20, 2016


You probably know this about me already, since you have to live with me (HA!) but sometimes, I really can't tell what I want to say. I've been fairly quiet on this blog as of late, not for lack of advice but because your mom is kind of a hot mess right now. I got no idea what I'm doing.

Chances are, neither do you. Depends on how old you are, but it's likely that if you're twelve or older, you have no clue what you're doing with your life. Before you're twelve, you'll find a million things you'll want to do, what you'll want to be, how you'll get there. You'll work so hard for about six months to be an astronaut then you'll decide to be a chef and try so hard to cook for your family. Then, when cooking loses your attention, you'll want to be a doctor, a vet, a teacher, president! You'll have unlimited potential.

Then, something strange will happen.

You'll wake up one day and feel like all that gone. You'll have no idea where your passions lie, unless you're very lucky and find what makes you tick early on. But, even then, knowing what you love to do doesn't mean you know how you're going to get there, or what you will end up doing.

The world, at least, in my experience, is one of those places that doesn't do well to remind you of your potential. The funny thing is, you can do literally anything you want if you put your mind to it but the world says no. The world tells you, don't aim for that, it's impossible. You don't have enough money, enough talent, you don't look right, you aren't smart enough.

I know I've certainly felt all of those things many times over and my belief in my own potential has suffered. Here I am, at 21, with a basic idea of what I want for my future but no or belief that I can have what I want and need. If I could see how lost I would feel at age ten, I'd be so sad. At ten years old, I knew who I was, what I wanted, and I had goals to get it.

Unfortunately, plans don't always work out. Life throws curveballs and sometimes, you get too comfortable, so the universe has to knock you down a bit. It's the way things are. The only thing I can try to do for you is help you see that it doesn't matter what the world thinks. If you believe you can be as big as a president, or someone as caring as a doctor, then no one should be able to tell you that you can't be those things. Money comes and goes. Looks fade, Talent grows only as much as you use it. You never stop learning...and if you do, it's because you're not trying to learn.

Nothing can stop you from being everything you want to be. It might be too late for me to learn that lesson, but you don't have to be like me. Shoot for the stars your entire life. Don't outgrow dreams. Work hard and fight for what you want.

You'll be amazed at what you can do.

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